Sustainable Harvest
According to a survey conducted in 2014, the Northwest Atlantic harp seal population is healthy and abundant with an estimated population of 7.4 million animals, over three times what it was in the 1970s. The total population of gray seals in eastern Canada increased from approximately 13,000 animals in 1960 to 505,000 animals in 2014.
The population is at the highest level seen in over 30 years and is in no way an “endangered species”.
Canadian Seal Oil
What do Omega-3’s do for your pet? Omega-3 is essential for superior skin and coat. Pets fed Omega-3’s have softer, shinier coats, less shedding and fewer skin issues. Joint support. Omega-3’s reduce inflammation, and provide essential nutrients for joint health. We will actually get to see a difference in appearance and activity. What we won’t see is the improvement in heart health and the brain development and health. This goes for people too, which is why many physicians recommend Omega-3 supplementation.
Seal Oil is the most amazing Omega-3 supplement on the planet, and one that you will never hear about.
Seal Oil has amazing levels of EPA and DHA, as well as DPA, something very hard to find in more than trace amounts in fish oils. The benefits of EPA and DHA are well documented, but DPA is just coming to the forefront for its amazing powers.
It is also the best source for mammals, because it comes from mammals. Whether for you (in convenient capsule form, I take it every day) or for your pet, seal oil is absorbed better than fish oils, and contains the species appropriate omegas that plant oils do not have.
Why will “you never hear about it”? Unfortunately, seal are marine mammals, and many nations have banned the trade in sea mammal parts. This is to protect whales, and other species that are endangered. But this blanket ban prevents seal oil from being sold in the US or Europe, where so much of our information about nutrition comes from. So, even if a researcher wanted to study it, we can’t get it to them. But lucky you, you’re in Canada, and have access to this life changing supplement.
Harp Seal in eastern Canada are not endangered or threatened. In fact, the herd is at record size, and is the main reason the Cod fishery on the east coast is closed. The seal herd is 10x its optimal size, and they are destroying their biome, depleting the fish stocks and placing the ecosystem in peril. The herd is so dangerously large that the government has a requested quota of 400,000 head per year be harvested. Unfortunately, because of the limited market caused by the trade bans, fishermen can only take 10% of that quota, which sadly does not help much with population control.
The seal harvest is sustainable, ecological, ethical and lastly, humane. Seal are harvested using high powered rifles, instantly dispatching the animal. Until that moment, they live a free range, wild existence. Unlike most commercial meat, which can live caged/penned lives and then be dispatched in an assembly line. Fish (including salmon) are even worse, most harvested with nets and then slowly killed by suffocation. So, seal oil is probably the best treated product in your pet’s bowl.
Unfortunately, old tropes about clubbing baby seals are still circulated, even thought this has not happened in 50 years. It is, however, one of the easiest ways to raise funds for animal activism. A white T-shirt with a cartoon baby seal with a tear falling from its eye and red splotches all over it is an easy way to get people to donate money. Does any of that money go towards helping the seals? Not Harp Seals.
So, the most effective Omega-3 product you can buy, only in Canada, also ticks off the boxes of organic, ethical, humane, wild sourced and free range. Add in that most of the fishermen are of indigenous heritage, why would anyone buy anything else? I know I never will.