Many ways to treat your pets’ joint pain
Almost every day I get questions about pets with joint pain and, because of what I do, my social media feeds on are full of ads for products to deal…
Almost every day I get questions about pets with joint pain and, because of what I do, my social media feeds on are full of ads for products to deal…
I have seen far too many reports of dog-on-dog attacks recently in my feeds. Even more disturbing is the number which involve a dog being attacked, and the attacking dog’s…
Summertime is vacation time, and when we take our pets on the road, one of the most important things we can do to make sure they have a nice trip…
My last column was about summertime and pets. Something I missed was the implementation of the new changes to the city’s responsible pet bylaw, which come into effect on July…
Keeping your cool in the summer is always difficult but we have fingers to turn up the air conditioning, and the ability to sweat. Our pets can’t reach the thermostat…
I’ve written many columns about the troubles of sizing apparel for dogs. Unlike people, who are generally the same shape and layout, but vary in size, dogs are all over…
Why does my pet scratch? It must have allergies, right? I get this question every day, and in my experience, there is no one answer to the question. What the…